July 30, 2024

Summer Updates 7.30.24

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PowerSchool Portal Opening
On Thursday, August 1st, the portal will open which will give students access to their schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. We know that there may be some changes that will need to be made. This is a guide to how schedule changes work. There is very limited ability to adjust elective options at this time. Due to the specific constraints of the master schedule, class sizes etc, and already-full courses, requests may not be able to be granted. We are also unable to make changes to schedules to ensure a specific teacher, peer, or lunch. If your student feels that there is an issue with your schedule that needs to be addressed, the student will need to fill out this form by Wednesday, August 7th at 10:00 am. We will not be accepting changes after that date so that staff will have time to prepare. If you have any questions you can reach out to the House level counselor for more information:

Freshmen – alton.rollerson@bps101.net

Sophomores – jessica.paoletti@bps101.net

Jrs/Srs (A-G) – erin.risler@bps101.net

Jrs/Srs (H-O) – erin.hack@bps101.net

Jrs/Srs (P-Z) – corey.bernard@bps101.net

Students with an IEP – kayla.blakey@bps101.net

Students with English Language services – amanda.hjelm@bps101.net

Student Parking for 24-25
Click here for information about student parking at school next year.

Registration Event
We will hold our traditional registration event on August 7th from 8:00-12:00 and 1:30-6:00.  Students will have their ID photos taken, attend a club/activity fair, pick up yearbooks, and have the opportunity for a building tour.  Freshman need to bring in their Chromebooks and cords if they attended Rotolo last year.  All 9th graders will receive a new Chromebook.  Students who cannot attend this event will receive their Chromebooks on the first day of school.

Frosh Fest
All incoming freshman students are invited to BHS on Tuesday August 13th, the day before school starts. The event will be held from 9:00 AM-11:30 AM. Busing will run for all students living within BHS busing route boundaries. Please click on the sign up form to register your child for this event. Click here for more information. Questions? Send an email to bhs-linkcrew@bps101.net

9th and 12th Grade Health Requirements
Make sure your child is up to date with immunizations this summer. View Immunization Requirements and Medical Forms >

School Supplies
Teachers will inform the students on the first day of classes about any supplies needed for their courses. Students should be prepared with a charged Chromebook, paper, and pen for the first day of class.  

Fall Musical
Audition information can be found here.

Athletic Registration
Online athletic registration is open.  Visit www.bhsathleticsregistration.com or https://schools.snap.app/batavia

  • Physicals must be submitted electronically. We are not accepting paper copies of physical forms.  The instructions on how to submit physicals are on the registration site. 
  • Pay the $150 participation fee for non-cut sports through PowerSchool.
  • Cut-sport athletes will be required to pay the participation fee after the teams are named.
  • Complete the online athletic registration form and turn in a physical in order to try out/practice on August 12th.  Freshman physicals do suffice as an athletic physical.  Paying in PowerSchool is not a  complete registration for athletics.